Business internet

Internet Service Provider Tax?

Just coincidentally following yesterday’s post on the BERR press release concerning P2P regulation today the Financial Times is saying that the Government is going to establish a “Rights Agency” to coordinate the enforcement of action against ISP customers breaking the law in respect of illegal downloading.

This agency will be paid for by a tax on both ISPs and the music industry. Strikes me that this is yet more burden on an industry that is already facing growing costs. I should sensibly refrain from further comment until we see an announcement.

I will however reiterate that I believe the right way ahead is is by mutual agreement between ISPs and the music industry together with end user education and the development of easy to access lawful distribution channels. In any event whatever proposals emerge there should be no implementation of any legislation without a full consultation process.

Trefor Davies

By Trefor Davies

Liver of life, father of four, CTO of, writer, poet,

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