Archived Business

Market bellweather

Timico isn’t big enough (yet) to be a market bellweather.  However there is a feelgood factor about the place which I hope is replicated elsewhere in UKPLC – I fear this is not the case everywhere.

This morning we had our usual monthly board meeting followed by the Annual General Meeting, which as you might guess is annual and not monthly 🙂 .  This was attended by a good number of our investors.

Timico is lucky to have very friendly investors and I am pleased to say the feedback was hugely encouraging. Our shareholders are all friends and family but that doesn’t mean they aren’t financially sophisticated individuals. Pretty much all of them are successful businessmen and women. It’s great to be given a pat on the back and told that “you are all doing very well”.

I also learned a new word today.  Apparently I’m a technosnob.  I’m not quite sure what a technosnob is but I think I’m ok with it. If it means that we are only satified with being the best technically then I am definately ok with it. If it means we win lots of corporate managed networks business, which we are doing, then technosnob is the way to go.

Trefor Davies

By Trefor Davies

Liver of life, father of four, CTO of, writer, poet,

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