I woke up this morning (there’s a song there…) to the news from the Daily Telegraph that ” Government announced yesterday it was pressing ahead with privately-held “Big Brother” databases”. This is the Interception Modernisation Programme that has periodically been in the news this year with general opposition and a subject I have posted on in the past. It would indeed have given the ISP industry a headache.
I now hear a contrary position from the Guardian which tells me “Legislation to access public’s texts and emails put on hold. Widespread concern about the safety and security of communications data prompts Home Office rethink.”
My understanding is that it is the Guardian that is right on this occasion and that the Telegraph has tapped into the wrong wires. I imagine that the Labour party has enough on its plate in the run up to an election without further alienating the voters.
“When they woke up this morning someone got their wires crossed and my head it felt confused, oh yeah. ” I think that’s what I was trying to say 🙂