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1001 things to do with an iPad – #266 – The Shield

1001 things to do with an iPad - the self defence shield

Ever been attacked by a passer by when walking along minding your own business? It’s a growing problem.

Well our friends at Apple have this nuisance licked and those unwanted attackers will soon be a thing of the past.

Just take your iPad with you and use it as you are strolling in town.  If you are accosted the iPad swiftly turns into a shield and can be used to fend off blows.

This new application works in tandem with any of the millions of existing Apple Store apps – 100% Guaranteed iPad certified1.

Now available free of charge with the purchase of any new iPad.

1Due to the litigious nature of the United States unless the user has completed Apple approved iPad defence training this warranty does not apply in areas of the world that come under USA legal juristriction  (including but not exclusive to certain parts of Iraq and Afghanistan).

To see previous iPad post click here.

Trefor Davies

By Trefor Davies

Liver of life, father of four, CTO of, writer, poet,

3 replies on “1001 things to do with an iPad – #266 – The Shield”

The iPad Strategic Defense Initiative risks eliciting two diametrically opposed responses in your assailant:
1) it could increase their rage at your obvious pecuniary superiority or
2) they are intrigued and then delighted by the opportunity to propel small irate avians at solid objects.

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