It’s Friday, five thirty and the beginning of my summer holiday. This year it is split into two. A week camping at the beginning of August and a week surfing in the Gower at the end of August.
This first week is going to be an interesting one because the camping trip is going to involve absolutley no technology other than wheels to get us there and a map and compass to get us around. I’m off with son2 (kid3) to the Isle of Mull and there will in any case for the most part be very little connectivity even if we wanted it. It’s going to be social networking the old fashioned way.
I am going to be recording the trip using a pen and notebook with the once concession to technology being the digital camera. It almost feels as if I am about to parachute onto a different planet. Watch this space for the report on this sociological experiment, but not until I get back.
If you are taking some time off this summer then have a good holiday wherever you are whoever you are.
One reply on “radio silence in 2011”
A holiday in the finalthirdfirst huh? I hope you enjoy the beauty and don’t pine for connectivity. I think you will be fine, there will be plenty to do. Its just when you try to do any work you may miss it if you had to live there. Or try to run a business there.
See if you can suss out what the locals think of so called digital britain…
… I believe there has been a lot of work done around there by digital scotland, your campsite might be at the base of a fantastic wifi station? (sneak the ipad into the backpack?)