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Telegraph Register and UPS DNS servers hacked

The Register DNS hackedIf you have been trying to access the telegraph online or TheRegister tonight you might come in for a bit of a surprise as the sites look as if they have been hacked.  More specifically it looks like some  Domain Name Servers have been hacked, diverting traffic to other pages.  Many people will not notice.

Click on the header to see more of what the Register site currently looks like. At this point in time the hack is less than 30 minutes old so I don’t have any more info but if I get a chance I’ll update the post as news comes in. Or just Google it. I saw it first on Twitter.

Trefor Davies

By Trefor Davies

Liver of life, father of four, CTO of, writer, poet,

5 replies on “Telegraph Register and UPS DNS servers hacked”

What it tells me is that the whole world needs to get more savvy when it comes to internet security. That’s not just corporations but individuals too. Sensible password policies and back up strategies become ever more important.

Telegraph was ok for me last night but not this morning – I think it is down to which DNS server one happens to be hooked up to at any given point in time. The Register has been off and on and is currently off.

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