Here it is, the one you have all been waiting for. After a lengthier than usual shoot and an intensive post-shoot production period (correct me if I have my movie industry technical jargon slightly wrong) at last at online movie theatres near your desk/settee/mobile device I am pleased to announce the global launch of The Timico Videowall – The Movie”.
None of this “launch in the USA followed by a phased release in other markets” this movie is instantly available to everyone on the planet. Bring your own ice creams, beer and popcorn 1. Link here for those who don’t do flash.
1 Small print. The makers of this movie cannot accept responsibility for accidents happening whilst watching. In particular, for North American readers, any perceived inducement to indulge in high fat, high salt foodstuffs or beverages containing alcohol is purely for artistic effect. Readers are encouraged to consult a qualified medical practitioner before blindly following the advice. Readers under the legal age for any of these activities according to the laws of their country of residence should refrain from participating. As far as we are aware this movie contains no foul language, violence or scenes of nudity that may cause offence to those of a more sensitive disposition. No advertisements are carried on this blog but it’s author cannot be held responsible for any attempt to sell you anything whilst watching the video on YouTube. Having said that if anyone wants to send money out of appreciation of the high quality production values associated with this oeuvre please contact me – details here. This movie was made without a grant from anyone and was funded entirely by private investment. Enjoy!
7 replies on “Latest Hollywood blockbuster – assembly of video wall at new Timico NOC”
LOL – Made a dull morning much brighter reading that – especially the North American disclaimer.
Where does the PlayStation connect then?
There is a multi-socket Playstation/WII/XBox/anyothergameplatformyoucanthinkof adaptor that can be purchased but we blew the whole budget on the screens. Anyway I’m more interested in Sky Sports – I don’t do games (miserable so and so eh?).
Sports i can live with Gareth’s Justin Bieber DVD – not.
The whole thing becomes even more special when we install AppleTV on it and are able to throw the iPad images onto the board while talking to customers. Nice !
Just imagine Sky Sports F1 HD on that.
[…] The photo on the left is of the Network Operations Centre being populated with furniture. You can see it starting to take shape in front of the video wall. […]