The Stop Online Piracy Act SOPA bill is being considered by legislators in the USA as a means of combating online copyright infringement. “The bill is so over broad and badly written that it is going to impact all kinds of things that don’t have anything to do with stopping piracy” – Jimmy Wales, founder, Wikipedia.
In the UK we are constantly under threat by Governments that latch on to the idea that they can solve specific problems by “controlling” the internet. Witness the Digital Economy Act plus a number of subsequent calls for the blocking of access to websites by a range of different stakeholders.
This is not to say that this blog supports the use of the internet for unlawful activities. It is however important to recognise that the phenomenal growth of the internet and, by definition, of the world wide web, has only been possible because of its openness. SOPA seeks to control this openness and will kill it.
Follow the discussion on Twitter using #SOPA
I had intended to switch off the blog tomorrow, Wednesday 18th January 2012 in support of the Wikipedia protest1.
Unfortunately this clashes with the Grand Opening of the new Timico Datacentre in Newark. Timico has invested around 15% of its turnover in this project. For us it is a serious bet too important an event to have any distractions on the day.
I will be posting photos of the day on the blog as soon as the speeches are over and the champagne has stopped flowing. I’m the shy guy hovering in the background guy looking uncomfortable in a suit.
You will also be able to follow the day on Twitter using #TimicoDC – the stream appears in the sidebar of the blog if you prefer to stay here 🙂 Oh and by the way, as of tomorrow the datacentre is officially open – you know where to come if you need colo, dedicated servers or VMs. Drop me a line at [email protected] if you want to know more.
I am also offering personal guided tours to readers of the blog (fwiw 🙂 ) – drop me a line if you want to come and see the facility including our brand new state of the art Network Operations Centre.
Finally comments on this blog are Twitter enabled – sign in with Twitter and a tweet will be sent with a link to your comment and quoting the #TimicoDC hashtag. If you want to help spread the news please comment using this facility.
1 Wikipedia is being switched off for the day to illustrate what it would be like if it was blocked.
One reply on “Protest against #SOPA #TimicoDC”
I’ll be following 🙂 and also interested in a tour should you get the chance to arrange one…. Yes I am that sad a geek 😀
All the best for the day, and have a wee sup of Champers for me.