Fibre broadband install
Looks like my FTTC cab is in situ at last – progress. I think I have found out why there is a delay to the fibre broadband install though. The old cabinet (number 10 in Lincoln) is full. There is no space to feed in any fibre tails so it is going to need a new and bigger pressed Aluminium cab fitting.
I got this from the Openreach engineer who has just been to sort something out for me. He checked the cab and indeed it was chocker.
The work involved in fitting the new one is just a couple of days but I guess that Openreach will have had to reapply for planning permission. To complicate matters the old cab is on the pavement right next to a school pedestrian crossing. There will be some umming and aahing in the planning department over this one.
In the first photo on the right you can see where they dug in the new duct work leading to the existing chamber on the corner – there is no way this cab would have fitted next to the existing one by the pedestrian crossing. Note of course the cab was probably there before the crossing – they used horses in them days.
The last photo is a close up of the “full” old cab. One does wonder why they didn’t apply for planning permission for the new shell at the same time as the new FTTC cab.
The planning permission bit is guess work but I’m probably not far off the money.
4 replies on “FTTC Update – Light at the End of the Fibre (Almost)”
Unless it’s a conservation area they don’t need planning permission, at least not for things under 15m tall.
Are you saying the (copper) tie cables aren’t yet in place from the PCP to the fibre cab ?
Must be a conservation area Phil – Lincoln cathedral is the other side of the road & yes re tie cables though I only took the engineer’s word for it – wasn’t there when he opened it up.
I think the whole area around Minster School is a conservation area. The photo looks in that area, so I imagine there would special requirements.
Annoying for you though!
yup, we put a new cabinet skin over the old one. So that the subloop can be connected. Fairly standard procedure now and shouldn’t take long, although the conservation area might cause issues although I doubt it of other OR cabs are in place.