I learnt all I needed to know about Ethernet over FTTC broadband from this supercool infographic over at Timico. Supercool infographics are all the rage these days and this one is right up there – our graphic designer John Heritage is the master of his trade and boy do the product managers know their stuff.
Ethernet over FTTC is over twice as fast as EFM, almost half the cost and half the lead time to install. Now that’s what I call a deal.
Affordable uncontended bandwidth for the business that wants to get into in the cloud. Available now to 36% of UK businesses (1.1m premises), 54% by March 2014 and from all good Timico outlets near you. You know it makes sense.
T’s & C’s apply:
Ethernet over FTTC requires a new telephone line to be provided without any other service enabled on the line. Charges for this are not included as part of the Ethernet over FTTC product. 13 working day lead time does not include the time to install a new telephone line. Bandwidth is dependent on line conditions and distance from cabinet. Price differences calculated by the difference in price quoted for a 5Mbps Etherent over FTTC and EFM service based on a 12 month contract. Sources www.btwholesale.com and www.openreach.com. I should be in advertising. I used font size 4 for a laugh here. I’ve been thinking about doing a spoof advert for some time since listening to an ad on the radio whilst driving along – there seem to be more T’s and C’s than actual advert. In this case there isn’t anything contentious but I thought I’d do the really small font for a laugh anyway. If you’ve magnified this small print so that it is large enough so see you can check out the infographic again here.
4 replies on “Ethernet over FTTC Broadband”
Hey Tref – it wasn’t Scott it was John Heritage, also an excellent graphic artist
Oo – ta – will change right now 🙂
Nice infographic but it doesn’t mention if this is a symmetric service – EFM and Ethernet in general are symmetric, but FTTC isn’t, right?
correcto – it’s 80:20