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Air France has Me all A-Twitter

Decided to leave the cave and go mobile to do the writing thing today. And why not? Both of the pieces I hope to crank out are of a mobile ilk, the weather on this early April Paris Monday is Spring Fever inducing, and a new local wifi-enabled coffee house (Le Café Lomi) has opened its doors nearby…a perfect storm!

The battery icon says I have 2:11 before all goes dark, so let’s start clacking.

This past 21-December I packed up My Missus and The Boy for a 5-day trip to visit family in Chicago (far more accurate to say that My Missus packed me and The Boy up, but I don’t see any reason to ruin a good story with facts…except, paradoxically, I do). We left the flat early that morning, all media-delivery devices fully charged and ready for the 12+ hours we would spend in the air travel envelope (bubble?), and headed for the RER B train that would deliver us to Charles de Gaulle (the airport, not the long dead general and president). En route I decided to check our flight status, and having successfully carried that out I then thought, “Let’s see if anyone is awake at the Air France Twitter switch on this fine Saturday.” Not being the most avid Twitterer, this was actually a bit of personal evolution on my part.

First Tweet to AF

Within just moments I received a response, and a somewhat personal one at that (as evidenced by the reference to my day’s destination)! Shocked and delighted, I immediately tweeted back.

Second Tweet to AF

Then my wheels started turning…hmm…yes, I would look for ways to keep my @AirFranceFR friend apprised as we moved through the system.

Third Tweet to AF

I am sorry to report that the hinted-at upgrade did not come through, but aside from that petty gripe I was delighted with the quick and personal response I received to a tweet that was really doing not much more than filling space. It made a strong enough impression, in fact, that upon landing in Chicago I tossed out a tweet in praise of the airline (which for me is akin to saying publicly something — anything — nice about the city of Detroit).


More fun than the proverbial barrel of monkeys, right? So much fun, I have to say, that I resolved to repeat my Tweeting ways for the return flight.

Fifth Tweet to AF

Again, a personal response to a Tweet sent into the wind by the very-much-on-the-stick Air France Twitter team! And, again, I was delighted (not in small part because the check-in line sped up just after I sent my initial tweet…related?). This back-and-forth made an even deeper impression on me than the one tied to our inbound flight, though, one strong enough to cause me to reconsider my long-held stance that with little or no exception Air France personnel are on par with the vacuous folks manning the register at Starbucks. Or the outer-space-sourced customer service personnel working for every major PC manufacturer (“You has a proh-blem? You must reinstall Windows.”). The fact is that as a result of that personal Twitter touch, when I speak of Air France I no longer default to the story of how the airline bumped me from a July 2005 Paris-to-New York flight and gave my seat away because my turn at the check-in desk began 58 minutes prior to takeoff (company policy states that you have to check-in no less than one hour before takeoff). No. Instead, now when the subject of Air France comes up, I whip out my AF-Twitter tale and watch jaws drop.

And one of these fine days I WILL talk — or rather, tweet — my way into an upgrade.

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Kory Kessel

By Kory Kessel

As the Editor-in-Chief for Kory is involved with all editorial aspects of the site, including content editing, contributor contact and coordination with regard to submission and scheduling, determination of publication look and feel, and ensuring common site voicing and style. He has also been known to take a stab at the the whole writing thing from time to time.

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