End User travel

Signs of Danger or Dangers Signs – latest in holiday series where Tref reports having a good time

danger signFelt a bit of a rebel taking this photo. It’s a sign on Peel breakwater listing dangers, prohibited activities and precautions that must be taken when passing the spot.

I was taking the pic with my Samsung Galaxy S4 and am clearly not wearing a hard hat. Hadn’t noticed that my eyes were shut when the shot  was taken which at a stretch could be interpreted either as me being in denial about the dangers that lay ahead or pretending not to see the sign.

For completeness I should also mention that I wasn’t wearing high visibility clothing (unless the white legs exposed by a pair of shorts counts for high viz) , am not aware of being authorised but can reassure you that I was not smoking.

You will have to wait to see whether I post again after this to find out if I survived. Wish me luck as you wave me goodbye. Fingers crossed…

Other fun filled holiday posts:

Poignant phone box photo
Holiday videos wink wink

Trefor Davies

By Trefor Davies

Liver of life, father of four, CTO of, writer, poet,

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