Business social networking Thursday Tweetup in Town venue confirmed

hoop&grapesOk troops. The terriffic venue for the tweetup in town is the Hoop and Grapes at 80 Farringdon Street, EC4A 4BL. We’re meeting here at around 6pm on Thursday 8th May.

For those of you at the ITSPA VoIP provisioning workshop there are a couple of beers on offer at the workshop venue courtesy of Danny Prieskel and we can trot off to the pub after that.

For those of you not at the ITSPA VoIP provisioning workshop (and one might ask why aren’t you coming? 🙂 ) we will see you at the pub at around 6. This is a very informal get together with the prospect of a nipping off for a curry afterwards always remembering that my train leaves Kings Cross at 21.35 so it won’t be a mega late job. We don’t have a sponsor for this Tweetup so if anyone wants to stump up a few bob then that would be great – get in touch and I’ll publicise the fact.

Trefor Davies

By Trefor Davies

Liver of life, father of four, CTO of, writer, poet,

One reply on “ Thursday Tweetup in Town venue confirmed”

Would love to Tref, but in Germany Gigaset HQ all next week including BH Monday 🙁
Hope all goes well with the workshop event….the après goes without saying!

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