There follows herein two partial shed images. The first image is more partial than the second for reasons that are obvious when you compare the two.
Way back when I worked at Marconi there was a guy called Steve Meats who was a comedian and who as part of his act wore a partial trousers. This was a pair of trousers with the legs cut off at approximately knee height and which were sewn back on with some sort of suspenders. They were funny. The partial trousers have no relation to the partial shed.
The partial shed is still partial at the time of writing because the heavens have verily opened upon the space where the shed stands and health and safety common sense has dictated a withdrawal to the shelter of the whole house and a refreshing cup of tea.
I say whole house but the intention is not to leave the reader with the impression that I am in every room in our not insubstantial dwelling but that the house itself is not partial. This is good because partial houses can be very damp, especially in the prevailing meteorological conditions and dampness can lead to discomfort and wet socks. As a point of information I am not wearing socks at the moment. Summer is almost upon us and socks are not always needed at this time of year.
In revealing that the house is not partial I am of course not saying that it is impartial. This play with words would be a misleading use of an alternate definition for the word partial.
The partial shed requires the fitting of a roof for it to no longer be partial. Fitting the roof is going to require the use of step ladders and is better done in dry conditions. I am not optimistic that suitable conditions will be in play before Tuesday which is the next dry day according to the Met Office website.
The Met Office is reasonably accurate these days and I am happy that no further shed erecting will take place before then. This will be reviewed in the light of conditions on the ground, just as umpires will assess whether play can restart after rain has stopped play in a cricket match. The shed will not have had the benefit of ground staff running out to protect it with covers. The head groundsman at our house, ie me, has adjudged that little harm will come to it in the meantime.
It must be said that the process of erecting a (partial) shed is quite satisfying. A man easily rediscovers diy skills long considered lost, or at least vestigial. Instinct comes in to play. This should be seen as especially useful once the reader is armed with the knowledge that the shed is around fifteen years old and was originally a play house. Its disassembly and reassembly on its new site is the completion of its reincarnation as a shed/garden furniture store, a process that will also save the Davies household several hundred pounds by obviating the need to buy a new metal shed which is what I had my eye on.
Because the shed is old the construction process is not exact and the insertion of additional screws here and there has been necessary to get the job done. This has been made effortless by the use of the new Makita cordless drill/screwdriver which every man should have.
At this point I am going to call literary proceedings to a halt. The rain has stopped, we are into a sunny spell and I am off out to inspect the wicket. We may get this shed finished before Tuesday after all 🙂
A short while later… the rain did hold off long enough to get the roof on, with the help of Robert from the allotment over the back (thx Rob). Still need to get some new roofing felt on but the three pictures below otherwise show the whole process.
And finally the view from the inside of the shed looking out. Wahey…
5 replies on “Partial shed”
I like sheds.
As you mention this is really a Play House. Will there be an ‘upstairs’ where you can relax?
It’s interesting reading ‘allotment Bob’s’ blog comparing takes on today’s developments 😉
No – I’ve taken the upstairs out and the wood is going to be used to repair some rotten bits. Rob is not Bob. He is Polish and I suspect B0b is a particularly English nickname:) .I am going to see if I can leave some space to sit by the window once all the furniture has been accommodated. The shed is in a particularly quiet part of the garden and very conducive to relaxation. There is also a modicum of WiFi coverage down there which could point to some “blogs from the shed”.
Fast response.
I’ve unfollowed the obviously dodgy ‘allotment Bob’ !
A man should have a shed ~ You can catch up on your box/s of 70’s “Gardening Mags”
Yes James. I almost think one should take up smoking a pipe – just seems to fit with sitting in a battered old armchair in a shed.
The ideal shed should have a fridge, a kettle and a wireless. Also a bit of a porch where you can sit whittling away on a piece of tree, the pile of shavings gradually spreading out in front of you.