LONAP members and prospective members are invited to a LONAP lunch at WHD local London in the Strand on Friday 10th October.
This is a rescheduling of one I wrote earlier. Following on from LONAP director Will Hargrave’s talk at last year’s WHD local London I am heading there myself (fwiw) on Friday October 10th to do a talk entitled “Under the hood of the internet – how peering helps with your end user experience”. I’m on at 11.35.
Tickets for the show are free and there is what could be quite an interesting line up (see below – some are salesey but there is enough interest there I think).
This is a bit of free publicity for LONAP but if we can get some members there I’m proposing to have a LONAP lunch (after all I’ll have finished my talk !:) and invite one or two of the speakers talking about cloud services to join us for a round table discussion. If you don’t want to come for the whole day one option is to just come for the morning and leave after the lunch. It is on a Friday after all.
I think this could be a worthwhile use of time. If anyone fancies coming along use this sign up linkhttp://www.worldhostingdays.com/de/whd-local-registration.php?code=MLOLMKLX (code is MLOLMKLX).
Also let me know if you are coming as I will make arrangements to book a table for lunch – it’s at the Melia Hotel on the Strand (Conde Nast Traveller Hotlist) so there should be something appropriately nice on offer.
Admittance and Registration
9:30 am
Welcoming speech
9:40 am
“Digital disruption: 5 steps to accelerating customer adoption of your cloud services”
David Ednie, President and CEO, SalesChannel Europe
10:25 am
“Don’t lose customers to public cloud providers”
Markus Galler, VP of Sales, RushFiles
10:40 am
“Do you want a Mobile with that?”
Ivo Meekel, Business Development Director, dotMobi
10:50 am
11:20 am
“Email Security 2.0. Integration and Automation ”
Sam Renkema, CEO, SpamExperts
11:35 am
“Under the hood of the internet – how peering helps with your end user experience”
Trefor Davies, Director Lonap & trefor.net, LONAP
12:10 pm
“Putting the cloud to work for real businesses. Proven models for success in a true multi-service world.”
John Burke, Account Manager Mid-Market, CEE, Parallels
12:40 pm
1:40 pm
“Global Trends in SSL Protection and Future Challenges”
Arkadiusz Szczurowski, CEO, SSLGuru
1:55 pm
“Any Data, Any Where? Localizing the Cloud”
Christian Diderich, VP Cloud Service Providers, Acronis
2:10 pm
“The new chapter of EU e-Commerce Qualified Trusted Services in the Cloud”
Marcin Szulga, Head of Research and Development, Unizeto
2:25 pm
“Simplifying server memory and SSD storage ”
Miriam Brown, Business Development Manager, Kingston
2:40 pm
“Black Lotus Communications DDoS Protection Services”
Frank Ip, VP of Marketing and Business Development, Black Lotus
2:50 pm
3:20 pm
“Securing uptime while maintaining network neutrality”
Johan Schuijt, CTO TransIP, TransIP; NSFOCUS
3:35 pm
“Hosting companies are dying. Is yours next?”
Nikolay Nedev, Senior Account Manager, reseller.plusserver
3:50 pm
“DDoS mitigation – Effective strategy for Hosters”
Duncan Hume, Senior Vice President, RioRey
4:05 pm
“Panel Discussion: The DOVECOT Story – how a one man open-source IMAP Server project is now powering most ISPs of the world and serving Emails to over 2 billion people.”
Mikko Linnamäki, Co-Founder, Dovecot OY
Soeren von Varchmin, General Manager, WorldHostingDays