4g data usage significantly higher than 3g
I’ve been using 4G since O2 launched their service. You may recall I was a trialist. Then I did the test trip around London comparing EE, Vodafone and O2 4g. For the last few months I have only been using 3g. I handed my SGS4 down and bought a Oneplus One.
The Oneplus phone is such fantastic value that having to exist without 4g was a small price to pay. O2 4g hadn’t reached Lincoln anyway so all I was giving up was faster service on the occasional trip to London. For those trips I use my EE4g MiFi in anycase.
The problem with the Oneplus is that the LTE frequencies it supports are only available on EE (and possibly 3). So when it came to switching my mobile contract EE was a no brainer really. There seems hardly any price difference between the various networks, if you can manage to plough through all the offers.
Now before deciding on a plan I checked my past usage. The most I had consumed in a month in recent history was around 300MB. A 1Gig data bundle with all you can eat calls and texts seemed to do the job at £16.
What I didn’t budget for was the fact that the usage experience is so much better using 4g when compared with 3g that I would be using it a lot more. Google Hangouts with my daughter in Paris are far better quality than relying on the hotel WiFi, for example.
So now with 16 days of the contract month to go I’ve only got 285MB left out of my Gig 4g data usage bundle. I’m gonna have to see how it goes and take a view on a possible upgrade. For the next week I will be in the Isle of Man where the seriously rip off roaming charges will prevent me from using mobile data in anycase.
Loads of 4g posts here btw.
4 replies on “EE4g shock to the data usage system”
I moved over to a SIM only deal on EE when my initial contract period was settled and now have 5GB of 4G per month for about twenty quid.
I use it much more, natch, and prefer it over public wifi networks as it is faster and invariably a better experience. Might be worth speaking with EE on your tariff?
Should have gone with three, unlimited data, yes even on 4G. Trouble is outside of London there isn’t really any 4G yet
3 is the only other network supported by the Oneplus One and would have been an option but as you say there is not much coverage outside of London
Go with Three. Great service and no limits (on some tariffs).