End User internet security

Conficker Virus (also known as downadup)

I picked up the Conficker worm whilst at LINX64 yesterday.  I’m pretty sure I was one of the few Microsoft users in the audience of out and out geeks so I know not whence it came.

My virus checker caught it, or at least told me it was there. This morning I gave my machine a complete set of security updates and it is now clean.

This is not an easy worm to remove. You can use a free tool provided by Symantec at this location. The Microsoft update that patches the vulnerability is at this location.

Business internet peering

London Internet Exchange market data – from LINX64

66% of the global routing table is carried by LINX. This means an Internet Service Provider can connect their customers  to 66% of the webservers  (is websites) in the world just by hooking up to LINX  at their Docklands locations. Using Peering Exchanges like LINX allows us to cut down on expensive internet connections.

LINX has 57 of the world’s top 100 network operators as members, including 16 of the top 20. This confirms the not-for profit organisation as one of the world’s leading peering points.

In 2008 they had 13 membership cancellations of which 8 were consolidations. There are a further 6 consolidations in the pipeline. An indication of the ongoing rationalisation of the industry.

Finally I have put a pie chart together illustrating the distribution of ports at LINX in terms of 100Meg, Gig and 10Gig Ethernet. Not shown are stats that the 10Gig ports are on the rise and the 100Meg, perhaps unsurprisingly considering the rise in internet usage, in decline.
