With a population of only 110,000, Lincoln is not on the list of Exchanges to be enabled for superfast broadband in the forseeable future.
Of course, the wheel was almost certainly invented before anyone could read all about it. However I do get the feeling that we are somehow still in the stone age. This afternoon I registered with the BT “Race to Infinity”. I want superfast broadband (whatever that is). Here are the stats from Lincoln, my hometown.
Percentage of votes 0.77%
252 votes have been cast out of a total of 32,844
With only 16 days to go this spells disaster. Lincoln is not on the list of Exchanges to be enabled in the forseeable future. With a population of only 110,000 or so (at least within the general area) you would think that constituted a reasonable sized conurbation. Clearly not reasonably sized enough!
This does pose an interesting question. Lincoln is not in what is described as “the final third” – the 33% of the country that is broadband impoverished so I would find it difficult to see a situation where the government would fund connectivity under its recently published superfast broadband strategy.
How therefore does the government decide which communities it should fund?
I can envisage a four tier society
- Areas where the business case easily merits initial investment – ie those where “FTTC/FTTP are currently planned
- Areas outside the above that can only get conventional broadband and are not in the plan for FTTC/FTTP
- Deprived areas that are currently not spots or have very slow connectivity and are obvious candidates for funding
- the final 10% that BT said it could not service even with the currently envisage level of funding
Now either BT isn’t doing a very good job promoting the Race to Infinity or nobody wants the product.
My message to the people of Lincoln?
We are talking wheels here. When the wheel was first proposed to Og (3rd cave along) 10,000 years ago he didn’t at first appreciate the benefits. It was only after ha started using it that he saw the light (lightening of his load anyway).
Get voting!
PS Og and 10,000 years are made up names and dates. I could have Googled it I suppose…