I note the new scheme for pressurising BT to replace it’s copper local access network with fibre has not been completely going to plan as thieves today accidentally stole lengths of fibre by mistake. Doh.
The gang, who must surely be Fibre To The Home activists, are obviously from a Rural Cadre. I can only think their education suffered early on due to not having access to the internet and they found it difficult to tell the copper (Cu) apart from glass (Si).
Also their thinking is misguided if they think that BT will replace the stolen copper with fibre. The BT insurance policy is almost certainly “like for like”. So stolen copper has to be replaced by more copper. Doh again!
In any case on this occasion they went and pinched some Virgin Media fibre in Leeds. Obviously couldn’t spell either!! BT – Virgin Media – hard to tell the difference eh?
There is of course a serious side to all this in that thieves are apparently going around stealing copper as it has doubled in value in the last year. BT’s network is easy game. Thanks to @bungieboy for the lead via twitter and ElReg’s Chris Williams for the detail.
One reply on “New scheme for replacing copper with fibre”
wasn’t me gov.
seriously though, wonder if they have ever thought of pulling fibre through the ducts using the old copper then selling the copper? I think I read an article somewhere about it, they have a machine that does it. The copper can then be recycled to raise dosh, cos fibre is cheap by comparison innit?