When a man in a white van turns up at your place offering you a good deal on a Storage Area Network what do you do? In our case we were expecting him to turn up though I suspect he had no idea what was in the boxes.
I wouldn’t normally bother writing about this but the delivery caused a flurry of excitement amongst the engineers in the office that I felt compelled to do so.
Also quite a few people at the LINX75 meeting mentioned they were following the progress of the data centre build so now that it is getting to the technically interesting bit it seems reasonable to post stuff as it happens.
I’ll put up some more photos when the kit is unboxed. Oh and also it won’t be long before I’ll be saying “Psst wanna buy some storage/virtualisation/hosting/colo etc etc”.
If you are interested in knowing more or want to use some of these services drop me a line at [email protected].
All the best.
8 replies on “Psst wanna buy a Storage Area Network? #SAN #EMC”
what did you go for ?
New gadgets always cause a flurry of excitment don’t they?
I’ve just placed an order for a Linksys E1500 router to replace my Netgear DG834G v4 so that I am IPv6 ready.
Am looking forward to tinkering with that when it arrives next week.
Ok an ADSL router isn’t as exciting as a PC or server.
Seriously though, if your engineers are excited when storage gear arrives I wonder what they do when new servers arrive?
What type of servers are you installing by the way, Xeons? Opterons?
[…] ceremony due on Wednesday 18th January. The box on the right is one of the EMC SANs I showed being delivered on […]
pctech I’ll do a pic speshally for you next time I go across the road for a look see.
Thanks tref.