As an additional note to my previous post it would appear that all the content on my SD card has been wiped. I’ll have to check it when I get home in case it is just the phone not seeing it. It’s not just the music but around 1,200 photos and videos.
Is this a problem? Nooo. It is an irritation because I’ll have to reload the music from my NAS box backup. The photos will also be safe on the NAS box and also in Google+ (I’ve checked). Doesn’t engender confidence though.
At the same time I said yes to a Samsung software update and now some of the cookies have disappeared. I’m having to re-enter credentials on Twitter though not on Facebook or LinkedIn. Odd. Must be having a bad hair day. I need a haircut anyway. Perhaps I’ll nip out this pm and get it done:).
3 replies on “Content of SD card appears to have been wiped on Samsung Galaxy S4”
I’m home now. Looks like micro SD card is kaput. Sigh
Mine did that a couple of months back – must be an s4 thing
I don’t know Domnhall. What do you do eh? What, do, you do! 🙂