night we had our annual Timico watersports and BBQ evening. Another highly successful bash I must say. The weather was somewhat damp to start off but seeing as everyone was going to get wet anyway it didn’t matter and the sun came out before we started the barbecue bit.
The format is becoming settled. We all jump in and get wet – ideally making stupid noises and impressive summersaults (nil points generally for the latter). Then we have a go at seal launches on sit on top kayaks. After that we crack on with team competitions.
This year it was a kayaking polo match with team captains Gemma Jankiewicz and Katie Nicholas leading the way. At the risk of boring you with work stuff I have to say that Gemma and Katie are great examples of our graduate recruitment scheme working to everyone’s advantage.
Finally, when we are all plum tuckered out we retire to the deck for a barbecue and a few tinnies, unless of course one is driving in which case a cup of tea is fine 🙂
That’s all. Last photos are of Gemma (left) and Katie (right) and Simon Spear (I think) scoring a goal – not the winning one – that would have been me a little later on 🙂