Is the coffee any good after all that whirring and clicking?
It’s the whirring and clicking that makes it good. A coffee machine ain’t a coffee machine without the noises 🙂
[…] for them at Timico. First we build them a brand new data centre. Then we put in a state of the art coffee machine closely followed by a kennel. And now they get an interactive white board to play […]
4 replies on “Chchrrrshshsh whooosh – nuff said”
£2.50 then please Tref. 🙂
Is the coffee any good after all that whirring and clicking?
It’s the whirring and clicking that makes it good. A coffee machine ain’t a coffee machine without the noises 🙂
[…] for them at Timico. First we build them a brand new data centre. Then we put in a state of the art coffee machine closely followed by a kennel. And now they get an interactive white board to play […]