I suspect that at this stage of the holidays I normally write a review of progress over the last 12 months (with appropriately satisfied noises) and put my mind to the next year.
Well this year all I have to say about 2011 is that it was another great one – they all are. No doubt there were ups and downs but hey, you have to get on with it.
So what sagatious pearls might I have to impart in making predictions for 2012? I am not a wise man. I can only say this:
“There will be a lot of change in 2012 and how you feel at the end of the year will depend on how you managed that change.”
Whether this is in business or in your personal life it is no different. New things will come your way. Try them out. Throw them away if they don’t suit but don’t sit on the fence muttering that things ain’t what they used to be. That fence is groaning under the weight and one of these days it is going to collapse. If you’re sat on it you can wave goodbye as you go down.
For various reasons we live in exciting times. This is probably the most exciting period of technology change I have known in a short life that has (and I am constantly amazed by this) seen the invention of the mobile phone, the personal computer, the internet, oh and penicillin1 . The excitement may stem from the pace of change but believe you me that pace is accelerating.
So in 2012 embrace the change and make it work in your favour. Work hard, play hard but most of all don’t sit on that fence.
See ya next year.
PS sorry if the title was somewhat misleading -I’ve obviously been reading the tabloids to much recently
1 only joking – not that old 🙂