End User Regs surveillance & privacy

word on the street is that the govt is pulling the “surveillance” aspect of the Queen’s speech

Just heard that apparently the government is considering pulling the “snooping” bit of the Queen’s speech. Been told it is on the Times website which I can’t access. I’ll pass on more as I get it but it will also be on all the major news sites. Others feel the need to verify but I think this one is worth taking a punt on.

BBC is currently trying to validate this but if it is true then it is a major victory for common sense.

If what I say is all boloney then I’ll delete this post – I have the power 🙂

19.00 hrs – latest news from the Beeb suggests they aren’t pulling it but taking the foot off the gas a bit. Prepare for political wheezle words.

Trefor Davies

By Trefor Davies

Liver of life, father of four, CTO of, writer, poet,

4 replies on “word on the street is that the govt is pulling the “surveillance” aspect of the Queen’s speech”

Hopefully it’s been dropped altogether, not just pulled from the speech.

If people with nothing to hide start encrypting / hiding net activity then it’s going to make it so much harder to monitor the real criminals.

Don’t pack that cipher away just yet.

I wrote to my local MP via writetothem pointing out the technical impotence of what was being planned ‘anyone who they would be looking to target already knows how to get round it, etc.’ and the additional infrastructure required to store and process this information (servers, storage, networks, people and accomodation for all of it) would be expensive.

A letter arrived yesterday on House of Commons letterhead which looked to be a repeat of what the government spin doctors have been advising ministers to say since the story came out.
“only stored for a year, no access to content without a warrant’ and so on

Happy to scan and send you a copy if you like so unless noone’s told him (he’s just a backbencher) then I’d not start popping the champagne corks/opening that single malt you’ve been keeping for a special occasion just yet.

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