Have I got a deal for you. The highlight of the annual conference season that is the ISPA Conference is fast approaching. I am chairing a session. Last year I chaired a session (can’t remember what on – I don’t dwell in the past) and caught the 07.20 from Lincoln to Kings X which was slightly delayed and arrived at 09.35. No probs I thought. Still got plenty of time as the conference didn’t start until 10am.
In the taxi on the way to K&L Gates in the City (Bill’s dad apparently) it occurred to me that I wasn’t entirely sure what time my slot started so I called someone at ITSPA to check. Apparently I was first on! It was almost like a scene from a movie where someone is dashing to get to an appointment or the opening scene of a play that they were in (you get the drift) and just make it in time.
I appeared at the back of the lecture theatre and strode down to the stage discarding coat and laptop bag on the way. At 10am exactly I introduced the panelists:) I also had to chair the next panel as somebody else had had to cancel their trip.
Anyway I digress. The good folk at ISPA have asked me to promote this year’s conference. My bit is all about The Future ISP:
“What will an ‘ISP’ look like in 10 years’ time? A look at ISPA membership demonstrates how diverse the Internet industry is. Whether it is small business, corporate or consumer connectivity, hosting or the delivery of TV, search, social networks or other services over the top, the expectation of what services an ISP provides is changing . This session will analyse what the internet industry will look like in 5, 10 or 15 years’ time.”
Key themes are (apparently):
- What are the key challenges that ISPs will have to face?
- What the key opportunities that ISPs will be able to exploit?
- What are the key trends that shape the business environment for ISPs?
- Is there a future in offering connectivity alone?
The other speakers are:
- Dana Pressman Tobak, Managing Director, Hyperoptic
- David Barker, Founder & Technical Director, 4D Data Centres
- Matthew Hare, Chief Executive, Gigaclear
More details are available here. ISPA are offering some sweeteners for those who want to come. The first two people to put their hands up get a free ticket (you put your hands up by leaving a comment on this blog post saying that you are putting your hand up and want to come). Everyone who is disappointed at not getting in their hads up quickly enough can get a huge 50% discount by using the promo code TREF50 at the Eventbrite page here.
On a serious note this is a very useful conference and also brings with it good networking opportunities. You will also get to find out what the internet industry will look like in 15 years – which is why I’m going. Bring your crystal balls and we can have a seergazing session – ommmmm.
PS I dunno if seergazing is a word but it is now.
7 replies on “ISPA Conference – unbelievably great offer (etc)”
I think you mean scrying, or may be crystallomancy.
There are enough words for such bunkum without adding to the canon.
umdiddlediddlediddle umdiddleye
I believe “seergazing” only applies when there’s a preparatory blowtorch (or equiv.) or a Jeanne d’Arc exit. Either way it would not be my choice of “a hot time in the old town …“.
defibrullate is a good word.
One ticket bagsied for neil mcrae
Hand up for a ticket please Trefor!
Ok peter it’s yours. That’s the 2 freebies gone. Y’all (ie everyone else) can still get the discount.