Bad Stuff End User

Yahoo hack a sign of things to come in the UK post snoopers charter

Yahoo hack is a shot across the bows

There have recently been two high profile cybersecurity hacks in the news. The anti drug agency job where the medical records of some top athletes have been made public and now the theft of 500million Yahoo customers’ data.

All I’m really going to say is this comes as no surprise. Just as it will be no surprise when all our web browsing records are stolen and made public one they start collecting the data post Snooper’s Charter.

Been in Belgium for the last 3 days btw. Plenty of armed soldiers patrolling the streets. Difficult times.

Check out loads of other posts on bad stuff here.

PS I didn’t realise Yahoo had so many users. Mind you I have a Yahoo account but only ever looked at it once about ten years ago.

Trefor Davies

By Trefor Davies

Liver of life, father of four, CTO of, writer, poet,

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