Archived Business

New kids on the block

You may or may not spot Timico in the press this week with the announcement of two new senior appointments.  These are Fraser Anderson as Group Sales Director (below left) and Neil Armstrong as Marketing Director (below right).

These are exciting times to be around and these appointments represent two more signs of a business growing up. Everyone is in this game for different reasons. Some have lifestyle businesses, some trundle along in a mire not knowing where to go. I am here for the action and these two guys are here to take us to the next level.

If you want to find out more about each individual take a look at the Timico press release here. They both have very impressive track records.




It is very comforting to know that we can attract such high calibre individuals to the team.

PS I know I keep going on about these being exciting times but I’m sorry – you are just going to have to put up with me. Also I’ve just noticed they look remarkably similar. Note to self Neil is the one wearing specs 🙂