End User mobile apps

The return of the notification – Android 4.4.2 upgrade

jacquesDarn it. A short while ago I upgraded the dog and bone to Android 4.4.2. Previously I had removed irritating notifications that kept me looking at the device to see if new messages had arrived.

Invariably they had so I was looking at stuff on the phone every hour of the day, including when I was asleep1. I removed notifications from my life and began to get a better night’s sleep.

Now the doggone notifications have returned. How crap is that? I’ve had to back in to settings and untick the tick box again. For each application now notifying me where once there was none.  Urgh. Uh?! Fnaagnn.

Btw you can see from the first screenshot that the name of my Phone is jacques (lower case j). I know you won’t tell anyone. Each new phone gets a different name for car mobile kit purposes. Hey…

You can see the screenshot with the checked notification box here.

C’mon Samsung. Not good enough. I’m assuming it’s your fault. Get your act together.

Other Android upgrade type posts:

I dreamt last night I was upgrading to Android 4.3
Comparison of Samsung firmware versus base Android

1 Bit of poetic license there – I wandered lonely through the cloud crowd

Trefor Davies

By Trefor Davies

Liver of life, father of four, CTO of, writer, poet,

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