So IXManchester has been up and running for nearly two years (must make sure someone organises another birthday party for June) and things continue to grow at a slightly slower pace than the first hectic few months. January saw a IX Manchester meeting take over part of GMEX Manchester Convention Centre the afternoon before UKNOF 27 and […]
Search: “RIPE”
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Upcoming events – workshops, dinners and themed weeks Check out the events calendar to see what’s coming up. These events and themed weeks include opportunities to take part by contributing guest posts, coming along to an event or sponsoring an event. Themed weeks are online events but often coincide with physical meetups, usually […]
In the last 2 years, I have travelled through 22 US States, the Caribbean, UK, France and Spain. In the last three weeks alone, I have clocked up 1000+ miles per week in 3 different countries. During 90% of that time, my phone has been on airplane mode after being hit with substantial bills for […]
The implementation date of Ofcom’s recent foray into mid-term price rises has now been and gone. If you were the recently discovered Pacific castaway, then, briefly, Ofcom were concerned that Communications Providers were advertising fixed term contracts at a price and then increasing that price during the contract This went through one stage of Ofcom […]
RIM is being sold to one of its existing shareholders who will take it private and in theory reshape the business away from the public glare. The same is happening, or trying to happen, at Dell. Nokia is being bought by Microsoft. All three brands may well fade away into the distance. Shed no tears. […]
Cars always seem to look the same these days don’t they? That’s because they are all designed with optimum aerodynamic efficiency in mind. The result is a bit boring by and large and very challenging for an advertising industry that has to resort to increasingly off the wall ideas to differentiate their client’s product. The […]
I’m working from home this morning – car is in first thing having something sorted. At 8am I nipped round to Lincoln Cathedral to film the London2012 world record bell ringing attempt. There were 7 bell ringers in Minster Yard as well as the ones inside the cathedral. A small but perfectly formed bunch:) Anyway […]
The Asia Pacific Regional Registry APNIC has, as of today, begun to ration IPv4 addresses. Down to its last /8 block (around 16 million addresses) APNIC will now only be issuing existing users with /22 blocks of 1,024 addresses and is urging its customers to accelerate their adoption of IPv6. European registry, RIPE, is expected […]
We have moved over IPv4 and brought on IPv6. Last night’s event at the London Transport Museum turned out to be a raging success. 300 or so people queued around the Piazza at Covent Garden to get in. Many more were watching the IPv6 twitter hashtag which had 1,235,715 impressions with exposure to 250,000 people. […]
I am pleased nay thrilled to announce the final line up for the Bring on IPv6 bash. Opening remarks Trefor Davies CTO & co-founder Timico Introductory speech Ed Vaizey MP, Minister for Communication, Culture and the Creative Industries IPv4 retrospective UK internet pioneer Prof Peter Kirstein UCL IPv6 scene setting Simon McCalla, IT Director, Nominet […]
We are marking the end of the internet as we know it with a celebratory event on the evening of 22nd March at the Highly Prestigious London Transport Museum in Covent Garden. This gig isn’t just to bury IPv4 though. It is also a serious look at where the world is at with the roll […]
I get asked what I think of my Android phone – I seem to have a wave of friends whose contracts are now up and are looking to move (predominantly from a Nokia!) My first observation is that the moves are typically away from a Nokia and the question is Apple or Android? A second […]
A paper by Trefor Davies and Chris Nicholls The Problem Regular readers of this blog will know that we, the world, are about to run out of the IPv4 addresses that are absolutely crucial to the running of the internet. This notionally apocalyptic event is almost certain to happen over the next three months, maybe […]
Over the last year or two it has been interesting to watch updated episodes of the BBC TV series Yes Minister playing out in front of my very eyes. First of all it was the 2Meg Universal Service Obligation. You can picture civil servants in BIS (Dept of Business Innovation and Skills) running around in […]
The answer to the question of how to get BT to deliver FTTC broadband is cash, though it doesn’t necessarily have to be your own cash. As a grown up business BT only rolls out fibre to commercially viable areas. This is clear. There is no case for investment in areas where farmhouses are miles […]
Work done by Mike Leber of Timico peering partner Hurricane Electric suggests that of the Alexa top 1 million domains only 2136 of them are IPv6 ready – that is to say they are running native IPv6. With less than a year to go ot IPv4 exhaustion this suggests there is still much to be […]
The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) has just allocated regional registries RIPE and APNIC a /8 each this month. For the uninitiated a /8 represents 2 to the power of 24 IP addresses or 167,77,216. A /8 is the largest block allocation that can be made by IANA and these two have had the effect of […]
In the middle, as we are, of the birthing process of the Digital Economy Bill it is interesting to see how laborious this can be (and I have 4 kids!). One of the gripes the ISP industry has (regular visitors to will have become familiar with a few of them) is the fact that […]