Business piracy Regs

BPI thinks MI5 could scupper bits of Digital Economy Bill

The music industry thinks its prospects within the Digital Economy Bill are still good to middling with concerns over website blocking voiced by MI5 seen as a potential scupper.

A weekly newsletter sent by Music Industry representatives BPI to stakeholders such as Sony Music, Warner Brothers and EMI Music also discusses the results of a TalkTalk sponsored survey that finds that “71% of 18 – 34 year olds would continue to infringe copyright, in spite of the Bill provisions, and would use “undetectable methods” to do so”.

There is also the suggestion that MI5 might have helped pay for the survey!

The fact is that it is really easy for users of Torrent sites to sign up for undetectable encrypted services – they are advertised on the front page of the sites. Also when Timico blocked staff access to Facebook and other Social Networking sites (not my doing) anyone that was interested found an alternative way to get there via a proxy server. It isn’t a tech expert thing. It’s and age thing.

Look out next Wednesday for Panorama at 8.30pm on BBC 1 which is broadcasting “Are the Net Police Coming for You?” featuring Feargal Sharkey, Scouting For Girls, Billy Bragg and Sway and Geoff (Taylor of the BPI?).

Read the actual newsletter here. It includes the email addresses of its recipients!!

PS we stopped blocking Facebook – stupid thing to do 🙂

Trefor Davies

By Trefor Davies

Liver of life, father of four, CTO of, writer, poet,

2 replies on “BPI thinks MI5 could scupper bits of Digital Economy Bill”

word on twitter this morning is that the bill wants scrapping, it can never be fixed. A new bill written by someone intelligent will stand a much better chance. This bill is fatally flawed and the dark lord must be beaten. There is a #debillmarch being planned for 24th march and a flashmob in sheffield… and so it goes on…

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