The Queen nodded the Digital Economy Bill through last night, in keeping with her custom and practice. It seems that MPs have been getting above their station in taking a similar approach to get it passed into Law (my words not Her Majesty’s).
It would appear that Stephen Timms has offered via twitter to arrange a session between ISPs and the Rights Holders:
“#DEBill Good dialogue, music/film people & Internet people, opposing views,could help find common ground. Much needed. Anyone interested?”
Whilst I am sure that ISPs will be interested, after all talk is good, it does seem that this is somewhat late in the day. The horse has long disappeared, last seen galloping into the Parliamentary sunset, complete with cowboy blowing the smoke away from the end of his six shooter.
Whatever the repercussions, for democracy as well as the health of the Music Industry ( in both Sweden and France illegal filesharing actually increased after legislation was introduced to try and stop it), we now have to enter into a damage limitation exercise in the first instance with Ofcom.
In a couple of months time the work on the Code of Practice will begin. This is a 6 month process. Criticism has already been levied suggesting that the work is complex and that 6 months is unlikely to be enough to generate a working COP. Rushing things is clearly the order of the day where the Digital Economy Bill is concerned.
I will be providing regular feedback on the progress with the COP as I get it.
PS looks like Talk Talk are not going to play ball with the DEB – “we’ll see you in court”