O2 are encouraging you to sign up for spam tweets. The above promoted tweet might seem innocuous enough. Chance to win a super new HTC One M8. Good stuff.
However buyer beware. Once signed up I can't see how there can be an unsubscribe mechanism. O2 are hardly going to waste some of their 140 characters with a message on how to unsubscribe. Unless it's basically a simple unfollow. It's not clear. I'm not going to follow the link on the off chance of finding out.
There is also a basic problem with this whole concept. People don't regularly look for mobile deals and offers. They sign up for a contract and then forget it until the 18 or 24 months is up and then they look again. Am I wrong?
The way to avoid all this is to ignore the tweet.
PS Does win "an HTC" sound right? Win "a HTC" surely.
3 replies on “How to avoid twitter spam from O2”
Hi Trefor,
It sounds like we might not have made a few things clear about Tweetserve. Our #TweetServe platform is one of a kind, one we believe to be the first in Europe and possibly the world, so we’re incredibly proud of it and its potential. Tweetserve is a dedicated service that allows customers to check their charges and allowances of their mobile account by using #minutes, #texts, #data and #charges. Awesome, right?
Customers can also opt-in to get unique #offers and specially-priced Pay & Go #handsets as well as software updates for different devices with #ios, #android and #windows. If you don’t opt-in or use those # commands, you won’t receive any DM’s from us. That doesn’t mean, you can’t use the Tweetserve service to find out your latest #data usage. You can stop receiving any of the offers at any time by using #marketingoptout
This campaign is all about telling people all about Tweetserve and its goodness. This is where the HTC One (M8) comes in. You simply need to register for Tweetserve and the HTC One could be yours. Give it a try and let us know what you think – we promise you won’t receive any unwanted offers.
Thanks, Chris
O2 Social Media Team
Thanks Chris
That’s v interesting. Could be a good subject for a blog post if you or someone else at o2 would be interested in contributing
Hi Trefor,
We’re not quite sure on what you’re asking/proposing but if it helps, we made a blog post about this previously which can be found here > http://news.o2.co.uk/?press-release=o2-launches-world-first-tweetserve-program. If you would like to create a new post on it here but require any details from us about the service, do let us know and we’ll do what we can. Reply here, drop us a DM on Twitter, or if you can see our email here – drop us a line if you prefer 🙂
Cheers, Chris
O2 Social Media Team