Business social networking

Profile information on people when adding to Google Contacts

I’ve added a couple of people to my Google Contacts list today based on being given their email addresses and mobile phone numbers. I’m impressed to see what other information on each person Google comes up with when you add them as a contact.

The info added by Google in Contacts must presumably be dependent on the person having made that available on their profile. However it is impressive – at a glance info on Twitter name, Facebook account etc.

Why wouldn’t you want to make this info available? If you manage different social media accounts differently you can do that either by keeping quiet about some or just restricting who can see what information through that platform’s own privacy settings.

Seem to me that this is a long way towards providing the functionality that the likes of tout as key selling features for their own platforms, but on a free of charge basis.

I will be reviewing my own profiles and settings for my various social media accounts. Very mildly disappointed that the Gmail changes referred to herein still don’t seem to have kicked in yet. Maybe I’m doing something wrong. Oh I don’t know…

competitions Engineer

Is Your Aging Terminal Emulator Putting Your Applications at Risk? #catchymailshotheadlines #anotherwinatimicomugcompetition

There isn’t much to this post other than I like the title. It came from one of the many junk emails I get daily – 12 today in that category. I must stop leaving my business cards at trade shows – I never win the iPad anyway.

This particular title isn’t very catchy which is why it stood out. Usually it’s all about “deploying this”, “helping staff with that” and sometimes it has to do with “the other” though the spam filter usually catches that kind of email. In fact they are very rarely catchy titles.

I am gradually unsubscribing from these mailing lists though it’s probably a battle I will never win.

Anyway I figured it would be a good idea to run a competition for the least catchy junk email competition – real or imaginary. Sometimes I get a huge response to these competitions and sometimes nothing. Doesn’t stop me coming back for m0re though 🙂

As usual please leave your entries as comments. Kudos but no mug to anyone guessing the name of the sender of the email in the post title.