Business security


I came across Netgenium whilst discussing a security project with one of our engineers. They manufacture Power Over Ethernet (POE) components that are used in building security systems.

These days practically everything can be controlled over secure IP connections. In this case we are now talking locks, speakers, lights and cameras. The first objective is security and control. Card readers can limit entry to certain areas to specific individuals. These card readers also tell a system who has entered which part of a building. This might sound big brotherish but it is a real requirement for many businesses.

The second, and surprisingly useful, by-product is cost saving. For example a company’s security system can be programmed to enable the POE to a desk when that user has swiped his or her card upon entry to a building. POE for a phone can be switched on thus saving unneccessary waste of power. Similarly when the last person leaves, the swipe of the card will turn off the lights and switch on the alarm.

Because SIP is supported the system now creates the prospect of hooking into a PBX announcement system that targets specific zones/locales in a building where an individual was last known to be.