End User spam

Junk mail register

The junk mail register – start at the bottom of the post for the whole history


7th July Virgin Media

Virgin spam

5th July – Policy expert (aaargh more insurance – you guys are the lowest of the low)

policy expert junk mail

Update – latest junk is from Legal and General on 21st & general junk mail

castle cover insuranceWhilst spam is pretty minimal now I notice I’m still getting lots of junk mail through the letter box. Virgin Media are big culprits but there are many others. I’ve decided it would be interesting to keep a log of who is sending me stuff. You never know where it is going to go.

halifax insuranceThis post is the beginning of this log. Yesterday (only noticed this am) had mail from Halifax Insurance and Castle Cover, both for home insurance. Our existing cover must be coming up for renewal. The annoying thing is that some b%$£”rd must be selling this information to these insurance companies. I’m sure it should all be opt in.

A this post evolves something may come out of it. Maybe a letter to the Information Commissioners Office. Ve shall see. I realise that people have to make a living but in my mind people that send me stuff I haven’t asked for are the lowest of the low and I wouldn’t dream of buying from them. They must be thick skinned and presumably must have a business case for spending the money.

I’ve begun to send their contents back in the reply paid envelope if they have included one. None of this morning’s batch did but I did notice that they all have an “if undelivered please return to” note on the back of the envelope. I’ll be taking more care about opening this stuff so that I can send it back. If only I had confidence that this feedback loop worked but I doubt it.

Ciao. Hasta la vista baby.

Trefor Davies

By Trefor Davies

Liver of life, father of four, CTO of, writer, poet,

One reply on “Junk mail register”

I bought a rubber stamp with return to sender on it. I posted countless letters back into the postbox , only to receive the same ones return, all with the return to sender stamp back through my door again several days later.

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