Cloud Engineer servers

Cisco UCS B200 blade server with 96Gigs of RAM #itsoktogetexcited

Cisco UCS B200 blade serverIf you have ever stood in PC World and wondered whether to Cisco UCS B200 blade server
go for the the 4Gigs of RAM with 1Terabyte hard drive or the 6 Gigs which is a little bit more expensive then cop this baby.

Personally I opted for the 96Gig of RAM with dual 10 Terabyte hard drive (expandable) and dual 6 core Xeon processors.  You get my drift?

We have ten of these in two chasses of 5 just to get going. Note the Cisco UCS B200 blade server does come with two onboard hard drives but the discerning host will of course ignore these if he is at all interested in MTBF. Everything else on the board is solid state.
Cisco UCS B200 server blade in a chassis at the Timico Newark data centre

The next picture is of the chassis front and back.

Front view just has the one blade in it at the time the picture was taken.

You can see the four power supplies (N+2) in a line below the blade (circled on the larger photo – click to see). The last two photos are the rear of the chassis fully populated with fans – cool I thought ( 🙂 ) and the schematic that is printed on top of each blade – it will interest someone.

I think these fans in the back of the Cisco UCS B200 blade server chassis at the Timico Newark data centre look really cool :)schematic diag of Cisco UCS B200 blade server t the Timico Newark Data centre

Trefor Davies

By Trefor Davies

Liver of life, father of four, CTO of, writer, poet,

5 replies on “Cisco UCS B200 blade server with 96Gigs of RAM #itsoktogetexcited”

It’s so good you can feel the breath of the enemy as you empty your machine gun into him. The acrid smoke drifting across the battlefield stings the eyes making tears run down your cheeks and the stench of burning flesh makes you nearly want to vomit on your sofa and getyour mum really cross.

That’s how smoothly it runs MW3 🙂

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