Went to Cheap Trick gig at the Hard Rock in Universal Studios last night. Impressive location. Band were loud and rocky. They were big in the 70s and I imagine that at that time they would have had wild gigs.
Hit the hay about midnight and was up bright and early at 6.30 to go to the gym. The header photo is of the pool en route to the gym at around 6.45 am.
WebRTC sessions at #GBP14. More on this in a post which may not appear until next week. It merits some consideration but I can tell you this conference has given me some food for thought in the WebRTC space.
Pics are mainly from last night at the Hard Rock
Complete set of unbelievably brilliant posts on the #orlandoroadtrip to date:
Day 6 – #GBP14 proper begins
Day 5 – golf
Day 4 – Kennedy Space Centre
Day 3 – Hawaiian Shirts, alligators and beer
Day 2 – BA2037
Day 1 – Ronnie Scotts & The Haywood Sisters