Yahoo hack is a shot across the bows There have recently been two high profile cybersecurity hacks in the news. The anti drug agency job where the medical records of some top athletes have been made public and now the theft of 500million Yahoo customers’ data. All I’m really going to say is this comes […]
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my latest observations on the snooper’s charter I have in the past been very vocal when it comes to the snooper’s charter. Especially when I was more active in the ISP industry. Having throttled back a bit I let others, the professionals, have their say and stuck to my own counsel. Just received a summary […]
Snooper’s Charter security breach – an “accident” waiting to happen. The Snooper’s Charter, they aren’t going to get away from that name, is the proposed law where the Government seeks to legitimise spying on all our internet communications. They of course have very legitimate reasons for wanting to do this – national security, prevention of […]
Gets tedious doesn’t it, this constant battle to introduce defend against the Snooper’s Charter. You will all have seen from the Queen’s Speech (gawd bless ya Ma’am) that the Comms Data Bill (Snooper’s Charter) has been reincarnated into the Investigatory Powers Bill (Snooper’s Charter). Page 64 is what you are looking for. Details yur if you can’t […]
It’s been a week of publicity around the Snooper’s Charter. On Tuesday I attended a meeting with Julian Huppert MP where we talked about what is known about the expected redraft of the Draft Communications Data Bill. Home Secretary Theresa May is widely expected to include this as an item in the Queen’s Speech on […]
What price privacy? Snooper’s charter 2015 – round “n” The snooper’s charter debate shouldn’t be about what will be monitored by the government. We should be discussing exactly what price we are prepared to pay for our security. Considering that any data stored under this edition of the “charter” will eventually be hacked and leak […]
Ashley Madison helps you find other people who want to cheat on their partners The older I get the more I realise how sheltered I am. I spotted a comment by @ruskin147 on Twitter whilst whiling the time away waiting for a late train to arrive: PR for Ashley Madison says of the plans for […]
Anderson Report on Terrorism Legislation The Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation, David Anderson QC, yesterday published his report into investigatory powers. The Anderson report on terrorism legislation is almost 400 pages long and includes 124 recommendations so you need some stamina to plough through it. Following the report’s publication Home Secretary, Theresa May MP, gave […]
EU Digital Single Market Strategy The ITSPA secretariat have published a summary of issues that concern the Internet Telephony Service Providers’ industry in last week’s Digital Single Market Strategy. I’m sure much will be written on this subject in the coming months. In the meantime the ITSPA summary is a good little crib sheet of […]
Privacy International
25th Anniversary Privacy International Article 12 of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights says ‘No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home, or correspondence.’ This is the message driven home on the front page of human rights charity Privacy International who this year celebrate their 25th anniversary. Executive Director Gus […]
Julian Huppert crowd funding Julian Huppert is, unsurprisingly, fundraising for his election campaign and has a crowd funding page for donations. Now I, believe it or not, am not a political animal but I do take an interest in matters parliamentary that affect the industry that I work in. Subjects such as the Digital Economy […]
Thought I’d slip this one in – adult content filter eh 😉 I don’t know John Harvey but he seems a fairly forthright kind of guy. From Yorkshire maybe. It’s not so much that you are telling your ISP anything when you opt out of the adult filter, or whatever it’s called. We doubt that […]
Snoopers Charter revisited The aftermath of the Charlie Hebdo murders has lead to goverment and opposition calling for more internet surveillance. Here are a few points for your consideration. Storing this data will inevitably result in it being hacked, left on a train/taxi on a laptop/memory stick and details of a government minister affair with […]
Concerns about massive growth of telephone tapping incidents has led to a growing demand for IP telephone handsets that provide VoIP security. welcomes VoIP Week contributor David Kirsopp, Technical Director snom UK Ltd An IP-PBX can be reached from potentially anywhere in the world, and your communications network is vulnerable if not properly secured. As such, making sure […]
I’m not in the least bit political. If I get involved on the periphery of Parliamentary discussions and debate it is because I occasionally see MPs trying to implement legislation that doesn’t make sense in our modern internet based world. This is often because MPs have so much information thrown t them that they have […]
Last night at the annual ISPA Awards, Julian Huppert MP (with me in photo) was crowned Internet Hero. Julian has done a fantastic job putting across common sense arguments in debates that affect the internet industry. Notably he was a voice of reason in the noise surrounding the Draft Communications Data Bill (snooper’s charter) that […]
Normally I like to add value to a news item if I am going to comment on it. I see so many scraper websites that pick up my stuff you wonder what they get out of it. I have just sat down to comment on the press release from ISPA announcing the internet Hero and […]
Great Launch event for Timico’s Virtual Datacentre last night at the Ice Tank in Covent Garden. There is a lot to say about this but I’m somewhat strapped for time today so I thought in the meantime I’d just share this video of the barmen setting up their cocktails before the guests arrived. You know […]
For the those of you who didn’t surface until after lunchtime on New Year’s day here are some links to my chat with William Wright on BBC Radio Lincolnshire yesterday. In the first we talk about NGA/superfast broadband and 4G. The second is about the snoopers charter and what’s happening in mobiles in 2013. They are […]
The written evidence submitted to the Joint Select committee on the Draft Communications Data Bill amounts to 448 pages and is a surprisingly interesting read. Some of you may not have the inclination to plough through the whole lot so just for you I’m going to jot down few choice bits in a number of […]